Big Shots® are double barrel confetti cannons which provide a onetime “blast” of confetti or streamers. They shoot confetti and streamers of all sizes from 20-80 feet (depending on the set pressure and variety of product). The Big Shots® coverage is increased by it two independently focusable barrels. The units can be fired from ground level or mounted from a truss or ledge to achieve different effects and cover different areas. Big Shots® work best with “sleeves” of confetti or streamers. Each barrel can hold two sleeves of streamers or 1kg of confetti . The Big Shots® launch confetti through a sudden release of compressed air from the on-board accumulator tank which can be pressurized up to 120 psi. The units do not have a loud report like actual cannon, but do make a noisy “PSHHHHHHH!!” as they fire. If operating from a light console, the unit should be run with a non-dim circuit.